One of the most effective ways to boost company morale and productivity is through having a bit of fun beyond the office walls. While happy hour is a great way to catch up with co-workers, it’s not a team building experience that’ll create a lifelong memory (unless things get really weird).
When asked how running through 10 miles of mud with his staff related to teamwork in the corporate world, CEO of Zillow Group Spencer Rascoff said, “You’re never able to be successful by yourself, that’s what Tough Mudder is all about. It’s about building teamwork, building bridges, and relying on other people to help you be successful.”
Some of us spend 40+ hours a week with cube-mates. They might even know more about your day-to-day life than your best friend, so why not solidify the bond with a bit of mud? Here are 3 reasons to rally your co-workers and run a Tough Mudder together as corporate team in 2016:
The New Way to De-Stress
No matter how peachy and positive your office environment is, work can be stressful and mentally draining sometimes. Committing to run a Tough Mudder will force you (and your team) to set aside time to hit the gym, start a fitness routine, and maybe even log some miles in the great outdoors. Exercise not only reduces health risks, but the endorphins released during and after a great sweat session will drastically improve your mood. Who wouldn’t want to be more fit, relaxed, and happier both in and out of the office?
Nothing Bonds a Team Like Mud
Working toward a common goal helps build a strong sense of community and has shown to increase teamwork, positive attitudes, and problem-solving skills around the office. As an added bonus, the recurring Monday morning weekend catch-up around the water cooler (or coffee pot) will be way more interesting after conquering 10+ miles and 20+ obstacles together than listening to Larry complain about the weather.
Working Together > Working Alone
Facing obstacles alone may seem impossible, but as a team they’re easily manageable, and some may say – fun. Once you cross the finish line together you’ll feel as though no obstacle, problem, or issue is too large to overcome as a team. You know the saying “Two heads are better than one.” Brainstorming and problem solving as a group not only creates better, more efficient solutions, but you’ll often reach them in half the time – now that’s teamwork.
Ready to run? Learn more about the benefits of creating an official Tough Mudder Corporate Team of your own here.