Dad, pops, father, old man…Steve. Whatever you call your dad, you know he’s one tough S.O.B. He’s gotta be, he’s been dealing with you for your whole life and let’s face it, you’re no treat, but that ain’t all that makes him tough. We did the research and figured out what else does.
Stache Masters – Every dad looks great with a mustache. It ain’t easy pulling this look off, but something about a crumb catcher on a Dad makes it the perfect combo.
Handy-Man Extraordinaire – No directions? No problem. When something needs fixing just call Dad. Maybe he fixes it, maybe he doesn’t, but damn he’s gonna try his hardest because that’s just what Dad’s do.
Dad Jokes – “I’m hungry.” “Hi Hungry, I’m Dad.” Everyone’s old man has a few of these gems in their back pocket – and OK, maybe they aren’t funny, but you gotta be kind of tough just to get through telling em.
Grillmasters – The first time every Dad sees a grill something snaps into place. A calm comes over them and they are instilled with the grilling knowledge of all dads before them. Grilling the perfect burg is an art, and Dad is the Picasso.
Dirty Work – Whether it’s changing the oil, changing a diaper, or slogging through Kiss of Mud 2.0 at a Tough Mudder, dads are never afraid of a little dirt.