This post was originally published on the Merrell Adventure Blog written by Merrell Ambassador and Tough Mudder Legionnaire Mirna Valerio.
Not sure you have what it takes to run a Tough Mudder? Read up on how to cross your first finish line with these 5 tried and true tips.
1. SIGN UP! Taking this first step is often the most difficult. Once you do it, though, your thinking will somehow morph into how-do-I-get-this-done mode. And then it’s all a matter of mental and physical training.
2. Convince a friend or your favorite group of people to do this together. This gives you an added incentive to train regularly and train hard. Don’t wanna disappoint those who are depending on you for the group’s success, right? You would never hear the end of it…
3. Or, go solo. Don’t be afraid to sign up by yourself.You will meet tons of folks on Tough Mudder day. You’ll help others and they will in turn, help you. Even if you go it alone, you will not finish alone. You are now part of an incredible community of Legionnaires.
4. Train hard. Completing a Tough Mudder is a great way to get your cardio and strength in check. You’ll need to be able to run or walk between 10-12 miles on a trail. In addition you’ll need to be able to pull yourself up a few walls, carry people, pull yourself across water, slide into a pool of icy, murky water, bathe in various mud pits, and jump off of ledges. Sound intimidating? Train your body and mind to be prepared for all sorts of challenges, and you will be GREAT.
5. Think of it as TRAINING FOR LIFE. If you think of each obstacle as a metaphor for something that is difficult or challenging in real life, you’ll gain so much from the experience of training for something you might have thought was impossible. When you achieve your goal, that successful, slightly badass edge you’ll gain will no doubt spill over into other areas of your life.
Ready to take the plunge? Check out the event lineup here.