Sticking to New Year’s resolutions ain’t pretty. Sadly, our December ambition often fails to meet our January commitment. But 2015 is going to be different. Why? Cause Mudder Nation is in your corner, and we’re here to show you five surefire ways to stick to your 2015 resolutions–whatever they may be.
Get accountability
TMHQ research shows that the number one reason people don’t stick to their New Year’s resolutions is that no one is holding them accountable. When you pledge Tough Mudder 2015, having a Tough Mudder on the horizon ensures accountability.
Make yourself reminders
Put a great motivating quote on your bathroom mirror. Couple your morning alarm with a motivating message. Do whatever it takes to remind yourself you’re on a mission.
Make it a team effort
A little over-weight? Trying to quit smoking? Chances are you have some friends and family members looking to do the same who might need a little nudge.
Break it down
You can only live one day at a time, and change isn’t going to happen overnight. Look at your New Year’s resolution as a New Day’s resolution, and take it one day at a time.
Celebrate your small victories
If your goal is to lose weight in 2015, that final milestone shouldn’t be the only moment you congratulate yourself. Every few weeks, for example, celebrate in your own unique way for staying on track.
Ready to take on the Tough Mudder challenge? We thought so. Now start by redefining your New Year’s resolution and pledging #toughmudder2015.