If you’ve been going back and forth as to whether or not a Tough Mudder Half will be worth it, read on. Aspects of the Tough Mudder Full are kept (and ditched) for good reason, making the Tough Mudder Half an event that you can definitely handle.
1. You Don’t Have To Face The Ice – Or Get Zapped
The Half cuts a few of the more terrifying obstacles out – Arctic Enema and Electroshock Therapy, specifically. If the thought of an ice cold bath has you running in the opposite direction, away from the finish line, then the Half might be more your speed. Avoiding the 10,000 volts of electricity does sound pretty ideal. But don’t worry, you’ll still have a full-fledged challenge ahead of you; the 13 obstacles will still shock you in their own way.
2. Your Squad Can Come
Teammates help to separate Tough Mudder from other, run-of-the-mill races. You’ll improve your personal best and push yourself even harder when your friends have your back. Whether it’s pulling each other over The Block Ness Monster or cheering each other on through the mud, it’s more likely that you’ll pull better numbers when recruiting for a Half. 10 miles is a lot for your soon-to-be-Mudded friends to stomach, so maybe five will be more their speed.
3. The Mess Makes It Worth It
Half a course doesn’t mean any less mud. Shyness, insecurity, and fear all give way to your all-out, down and dirty event. Something about getting covered in mud throws all other reservations out the window, making Tough Mudder undeniably memorable.
4. You’ll Kickstart A Healthy Hobby
People spend their time doing a lot of dumb, unproductive stuff. Training and mastering Tough Mudder courses, on the other hand, is a healthy addiction to have. Obsessing over new obstacles, scouting out the newest race locations, and converting more friends into Tough Mudder-believers is a better use for your time than binge-watching Netflix and ordering Seamless.
5. The Finish-Line Beer (Plus Other Free Swag)
In both the Half and the Full, finishers get to take a few gifts home. In addition to the Tough Mudder headband and shirt (because, you know, bragging rights), you’ll get an ice cold beer to sip through muddy, sweaty lips. Yum.
6. It’s The Best Way To Train For A Tough Mudder Full
If you’ve got your sights set on a Full, and the 5K seems like child’s play, then the Half should obviously make its way into your training plan. It’ll give you a leg up on some of the obstacles, so that when the Full comes, you’ll have the other stuff mastered.
So what are you waiting for? Find your event and get training.