Mudder: Joe Perry
Age: 47
Origin: Wallaceburg, Ontario, Canada
Legionnaire Status: 100 laps at 57 Tough Mudders, 235 Miles at 4 World’s Toughest Mudders
If you really want to know why I’m passionate about Tough Mudder, I’m going to need more than a mere paragraph to explain. Ever since my first Tough Mudder experience in 2012, my life has turned orange. The most important day on my calendar every year is identified by three simple letters: WTM. The World’s Toughest Mudder competition is my primary focus. Unfortunately, it only lasts a glorious 24 hours. That leaves the other 364 days of the year to prepare for it. And what better way to train for this epic event than to do as many Tough Mudders as I can throughout the year? As an added bonus, the people on these Tough Mudder courses are among the best human beings on the planet. My very best friends are Mudders. Over the past 4 years I’ve been fortunate enough to have completed Tough Mudder courses with 147 different people. Call me greedy but I want to add more names to this list. I want more marvellous muddy memories.
Mudder: Lindsey Heiserman
Age: 31
Origin: Eden Prairie, Minnesota
Legionnaire Status: 31 Tough Mudders, 1 World’s Toughest Mudder
Instagram: lindsey.heiserman
I was never good at sports as a kid but eventually I found running and weightlifting. I had been running marathons, half-marathons and other team races, but it all changed the day I did my first Tough Mudder in 2011. I was terrified to climb “up the hill” to the start, but as I attempted, conquered, and failed the obstacles I felt my confidence growing. I was hooked. Tough Mudder has been an awesome excuse to travel and see the country and I look forward to seeing all the new friends I have made at the different events. I love bringing friends to their first Tough Mudder and being able to experience them conquering their fears. So many of my favorite memories have been at events. I have done things I could have never imagined… including peeing in my wetsuit at WTM. I have learned so much about myself and I have continued to grow into a stronger person in all areas of my life. Nothing beats setting a goal and crushing it.
Mudder: Haruko Harrington Chan
Age: 42
Origin: Houston, Texas
Legionnaire Status: 2 Tough Mudders and Spectator at World’s Toughest Mudder
Instagram + Twitter: themudcrusher
My first Tough Mudder was a total surprise. I had no idea what to expect. It was only my fourth OCR, and I wasn’t even aware that it was a 20K! Arctic Enema was the most shocking part of the whole event for me. Being cold is my achilles heel and I didn’t know I had it in me to push through that feeling of discomfort. I also had help – I started that event with one friend, and finished with twelve new friends. I was able to get past my pain because of the core values of Tough Mudder including TEAMWORK! My first Tough Mudder set the tone for future events and made me a better athlete because of the emphasis put on helping others and completing the challenge, not just making time. Tough Mudder inspired my motto “complete, not compete”. I only compete against myself.
Mudder: Jessica Wendland
Age: 29
Origin: Hutchinson, Minnesota
Legionnaire Status: Pit Crew at 2 World’s Toughest Mudders
As 2-time Pit Crew Captain of the WTM, I have learned true servant leadership. I have put my team of 4 top-finishing races ahead of me not for just 24 hours – but for weeks and months leading up to the race. The energy, the atmosphere, the experience is indescribable; you must experience it to feel the true meaning of Mudder Nation.
Feeling inspired? Check out our 2016 lineup and sign up for an event.