Many of you know that as a mom, being healthy, fit and in shape are important to me. I like to keep my fitness routine varied and do my best to avoid what I like to call “burn out.” I’ve run my fair share of races and other challenging events. I’m always up for a challenge. Out of all of the events I’ve participated in, Tough Mudder was not only the most challenging, but also the most rewarding. Having recently conquered the LA course as part of Ziploc® Team Tough Mother, I thought I’d take this opportunity to reflect on what it means to be a tough mother.
Being a wife and mother are the single most important roles in my life. My husband Val and I were married in 1996 and have three beautiful children—Natasha, Lev and Maksim.
While being a mom is the most rewarding job on earth, I also know firsthand that it is tough. No question. Just try to find a job with more chaos! But, when the going gets tough, moms get going. I’ve learned that life is one obstacle course after another; and unlike Tough Mudder, where you can follow a training plan, parenting is full of surprises. If life was a Tough Mudder, instead of mud, it’s ketchup; instead of the Cry Baby obstacle, it’s dealing with a real, crying (and probably hungry!) baby.
So, if you’re a tough mom (and every mom is), I’d encourage you to sign up for a Tough Mudder in your area. They’re are a blast and you’ll be proud of your accomplishment when you cross that finish line. I sure was!
This post is dedicated to every amazing women across the country, in reflection and celebration of tough mothers and all we do. Happy Mother’s Day!