We all know that togetherness and teamwork exist on the Tough Mudder course before, during and after…that is what is so special about the Tough Mudder community. But, what about OFF the course in a fitness & training setting with other Mudders? Does this exist in a Training group? How about in a virtual setting? Let’s look at the elements that exist in a training group and why it helps you along your fitness journey:
- Motivation and Accountability:
Most people can follow a training program, but having someone to celebrate your wins with is that much better. In the training groups, you are encouraged to post your successes (and your failures) in the group so your coach, and your fellow Mudders can cheer you on, and motive you to keep you accountable for your actions to better yourself.
- Teamwork:
Virtual teamwork? Is that even a thing? Of course it is. Sure, the teamwork in a virtual training group looks a little bit different than what you will see on the course – but it still is the same group of like minded people. It could be as small as asking questions that other Mudders might have, or it could look like another mudder cheering on another and offering words of encouragement.
- Listening and Learning:
Each week, our certified Tough Mudder Coach (Coach Shayne) will post videos of helpful hints that will help you conquer the course. Some topics will cover general tips to help you lead a healthy lifestyle, while other topics will cover tips on how to take on an obstacle.
Not only will you learn from Coach Shayne, but you will learn from your fellow mudders as well who are doing the same thing as you. You will be able to get tips from Legionnaires (people who have done multiple Tough Mudders) as well. Hearing about other people’s personal experiences can help you be as prepared as possible.
- Pushing Your Comfort Zone:
While you will certainly push past your comfort zone with the actual workout program, Coach Shayne also wants you to push past your comfort zone in the Virtual Training group as well. It takes a lot of courage to post about your workouts and how you are feeling through the program. Post that proud sweaty selfie, post when you’re not feeling motivated, etc. You will find that you are not alone.