We’re living through historic times, Mudder Nation. Let’s combat the anxiety with a million acts of kindness.
This isn’t the first time our world has faced a pandemic, but it’s certainly new for all of us living through it. As we look out onto the world through our window of social media and the 24-hour news cycle, many of us have been feeling like we’re twiddling our thumbs, sitting at home, unable to help.
During these tough times, it’s really important to come together as a (socially distanced) community, act for the benefit of our neighbors, stay disciplined ourselves, and push through this obstacle that feels massive, but will be overcome.
At TMHQ, we’ve been thinking about the ways we can leverage our strong, resilient, and warm community to act for the benefit of our friends, neighbors, and strangers in need.
We put our heads together and came up with the following acts of kindness you can do for the ones we know, the ones we love, and the ones we’ve never met. Try one of the following or do a good deed not listed.
Our goal is to carry out a million acts of kindness, in the next month.
And if 1,000 Mudders affect a hundred lives, this number feels quite achievable. Who knows? There might even be a headband in it for those who make it to a hundred 😉
Need some inspiration. Here’s how you can put some kindness into the world. If you like, you can spread the positivity on social media with #HelpAHundred.
For the ones you know:
Buy groceries for a neighbor that can’t.
Do laundry for someone that doesn’t have a washer/dryer.
Pick up prescription for someone.
Share a Netflix, Hulu, Disney + or other account.
Mow a neighbor’s lawn.
Call somebody who lives alone to check in on them.
Walk a neighbor’s dog.
Make someone’s day.
Throw a virtual surprise party for the friends who are celebrating birthdays from home.
Send an email to somebody you haven’t seen in a while.
Shoutout a Mudder on social media (or nominate a Mudder of the Week).
Buy a little something extra for the grocery store worker.
Send a friend some surprise takeout.
Support local businesses by ordering essentials from them rather than large corporations.
Have a backyard picnic with the people in your household.
Set up a home obstacle course for your kids.
Start a virtual book club.
For the ones you’ve never met:
Donate nonperishable goods to a food bank.
Send gift cards to essential workers.
Send donuts to a hospital/medical facility.
Buy a healthcare worker a cup of coffee.
Send supplies to a local animal shelter.
Volunteer as a virtual translator for a hospital.
Sew masks for healthcare workers.
Donate money to a charity.
Send cookies to the local firehouse.
Plant a tree.
Donate blood.
Donate books to a Library.
Paint a rainbow with the kids and put it in the window.
For yourself:
Meditate for 5 minutes.
Go for a walk around your neighborhood.
Do a virtual workout.
Write a letter to your future self for when this is all over.
Plant some bulbs or seedlings and watch them grow.