If you had the opportunity to create an epic memory with friends while contributing to a foundation that’s making an impact on the world, would you take it? While the answer to that question should be an easy one (it’s YES), here are 7 more reasons from our Charity Family partner Realbuzz (and a sweet video that’ll give you feel-good goosebumps) on why raising cash for a cause could be the motivator you’ve been waiting for.
Commit to a Challenge
How many times have you thought about signing up but weren’t sure you were ready for 10 muddy miles? Running for a cause could be that final push you need to gather the courage and commit. It’s important to remember that once you’re on the course, you’re not running alone. With tons of helping hands at every obstacle, you are guaranteed to cross the finish line, no matter how long it takes you.
All the Motivation You Ever Needed
We’ve all been there – when working out is at the bottom of your list of things to do. However, knowing that a charity is relying on you to train properly and complete a challenge could be just what you need to get off of the couch and into the gym. By giving your preparation purpose training will be much easier.
Personal Ties
Taking part in a challenge for charity allows you to support a cause that is close to your heart. If a family member or friend has been affected by a disease or illness, raise money for one that supports their cause.
Get The Six Pack of Your Dreams (If You Work Hard Enough)
Not only does a charity challenge help your chosen cause, it might be the thing that takes your fitness to the next level. Chances are, after training to run a Tough Mudder you’ll see some serious results thanks to your revamped strength training and cardio routine.
Come Together as a Team
You might not think it when you sign up, but getting involved with a charity is actually a great social experience. You’ll meet tons of new and interesting people along the way, from charity workers to fellow Mudders on the course.
Increased Happiness
Making an effort to raise money for a charity has sweet side effects (aside from working on your six pack abs), like a higher level fulfillment and selflessness.
Make a Difference
Most importantly, if you find yourself struggling as you hit mile 7, thinking about the people you’re helping will fuel you to dig deep, get mentally tough, and fight through even the toughest of obstacles.
Do some good in 2016 and commit to a challange. Check out the full event lineup here.