Conquering a Tough Mudder requires muscular endurance in all of your muscles, which means you’ll generally complete 2-4 sets of 12-20 reps of certain exercises. There are many ways to structure muscular endurance training, including superset training, where you’ll complete 2-4 exercises in a row with minimal rest between them, as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in a given time period, and Tabata training, which calls for eight rounds of 20 seconds of high intensity work followed by a 10-second recovery period.
In this workout, you’ll do 10 exercises, five of which will be done as straight sets or supersets, and the other five will be part of a 10-minute AMRAP (as many reps as possible) session. Power through this bodyweight leg routine to prepare for the transition between mud and obstacles that Tough Mudder does best. You’ll thank us later.
Part 1: Leg Strength and Mobility
1. Overhead Squat
Sets: 4
Reps: 20
How to Do It: Stand with fee hip-width apart and core tight. Raise arms overhead so that they’re fully extended. Squat down, moving your butt back first, and keeping your back straight. Keep your heels on the floor as you lower into a squat. Keep arms extended straight overhead throughout the motion.
2. Forward and Reverse Lunge
Sets: 3
Reps: 10 (each leg)
How to Do It: Stand with feet hip-width apart with arms at side. Take a big step forward with your right leg until left knee is 1-2 inches off the ground. Explode up and step right leg back to starting position. Now, step the right leg backwards until it’s 1-2 inches off the ground. Next, bring right leg back to starting position. That’s one rep on the right leg. Do 10 reps on the right leg then switch to the left leg.
3. Side Lunge
Sets: 3
Reps: 10 (each leg)
How to Do It: Stand with feet hip-width apart and core engaged. Raise right leg, take a big step to your right with that leg, and lower your butt upon placing the right foot on the ground. Both heels should stay on the ground with toes pointed straight. Switch sides, doing the side lunge with the left leg. That’s one rep. Do 20 total reps, 10 each leg.
4. Bear Crawl with Broad Jump
Sets: 3
Reps: 10
How to Do It: Get in a pushup position then start walking your body forward by moving the right foot and left hand forward. Then, alternate the arms and legs, so move your left foot and right hand forward. Keep your back straight and core engaged through the movement. Crawl 10 feet, stand up, then jump forward as far as you can. That’s one rep. If you have limited space, do the crawl, turn around, jump back towards where you started the bear crawl, then turn around and bear crawl again to continue the reps.
5. Glute Bridge
Sets: 3
Reps: 15
How to Do It: Lie on your back with knees bent at 90 degrees, feet as close to your butt as possible and palms flat on floor at your sides. Raise hips up to form a straight line with your shoulders, back and legs. Squeeze your glutes at the top, pausing for 3-5 seconds, then return hips back to ground slowly. That’s one rep.
Part 2: AMRAP: 10 Minutes
10 Burpee
How to Do It: Stand with feet shoulder width apart then squat down, keeping chest up and back straight and place palms or fingertips on floor. Jump your legs back behind you to get into pushup position. Do a pushup. Tuck knees back in, bringing then back to the low squat position, then, jump up with arms overhead. That’s one rep.
20 Wide Mountain Climbers
How to Do It: Start in a pushup position with core engaged. Bring right foot to outside of right hand then return it back to the starting position. Next, bring your left foot to the outside of your left hand. That’s one rep each side. Do 10 reps each. Keep your back as straight as possible throughout the motion.
10 Lying Toe Touches
How to Do It: Lie on your back with knees bent at 90 degrees and palms flat against ground. Raise your shoulders off the ground and tap the side of your right ankle with your right hand. Then, tap the side of your left ankle with your left hand. Continue to alternate sides, tapping each ankle with the same side hand.
10 Tuck Jumps
How to Do It: Stand with feet hip width apart then jump both knees vertically until they reach the chest. Land softly in a quarter squat. That’s one rep.
30-60 second Plank
How to Do It: Get into pushup position then bring forearms to ground. Hold this position with back straight and core tight for 30 seconds for beginners and 60 seconds for intermediate or advanced athletes.
Want to keep your training going? Find a Tough Mudder Bootcamp near you.