TM Insta Contest: 13 Badass #Electroshock 2014 Photos

As the Tough Mudder 2014 season comes to an end, we want to relive some of your favorite moments from 2014. Every weekend we are hosting a #TMInstaContest on our Instagram page. Use the weekend’s hashtag for your chance to be featured here on our blog, with the best photo winning a ticket to a Tough Mudder 2015 event. 

This weekend, hundreds of you submitted your best #Electroshock2014 pictures. From muddy faceplants to electric makeouts, Electroshock has obviously left a mark on many lives this year. The submissions were awesome, and it was tough to choose, but here are 13 of our favorite photos:

13. @ocrjunkie

Good memories… Going through my OCR pictures of the year 2014 I came across this picture taken at Tough Mudder Rhein-Main. Carrying this massive log across the course for 18k was tough. Especially getting shocked 9 times at the elektroshock, but I did it! #letsdothis #ocr #ocrjunkie #ocrlife #obstaclerun #obstaclerunning #dutchmudmen #fitdutchie #toughmudder #tminstacontest #electroshock2014 #mudderlegion

12. @askdes

For the #TMInstaContest I submit @mcsdance and her #Electroshock2014 moment! While the rest of us were feeling the “power” (yeah that’s me falling behind there) she was “powering through!”

11. @debmunoz17

Best picture of my life!! ;D can’t wait for next year for another mud facial#TMInstaContest #Electroshock2014

10. @kjgrant311

This week’s #TMInstaContest is everybody’s favorite @tough_mudder obstacle, the #Electroshock2014. The first couple times I’ve gone through the electroshock wasn’t too bad, but this last one Took. Me. Down. But when life or electric shock knocks you down, get back up and keep moving forward and#inspirehealthyliving.

9. @laurenossian

#TMInstaContest #Electroshock2014 Last 100 feet of my first Tough Mudder and I got shocked three times!! Can’t wait for next year!

8. @rachkohman

Not sure if my face is happy or painful…a little of both?! Teehee, here you are@tough_mudder #yowza #TMInstaContest #Electroshock2014

7. @mikaela48

A kiss in the middle of electroshock therapy. The most painful kiss ever, but worth it. A memorable 2014 season. #Electroshock2014 #TMInstaContest#electroshocktherapy #ouch

6. @mrsfit_mama

I promise to love and cherish you for the rest of my life. And to pull you out of Electroshock Therapy if it knocks you unconscious… #tminstacontest #electroshock2014 #truelove

5. @robbrody

SON OF A NUTCRACKER!!!#TMInstaContest #Electroshock2014 #toughmudder #TMPride #mudderlegion #muddernation

4. @sarahyeaman888

#toughmudder #toughmudder2014 #Electroshock2014 @ralphyeaman

3. @philpotti

#ToughMudder #ElectroshockTherapy #10000 #Volt #mies #ZielimBlick #warHammer #RheinMain #imSeptember #ToughMudderSüddeutschland #Vorfreude

2. @erikjens

Re-living my electroshock therapy session from the summer! #blindfolded#ToughMudderTahoe Today I registered for next summer. Can’t wait to do it again. #TMInstaContest #Electroshock2014

And the winner is: @vio107

TM 2014 was the bomb, can’t wait for next year. This year I didn’t even get knocked out by the #electriceel. #electroshock2014 #muddermonday #nopainnogain #muddernation #mudderlegion #tm2014 #toughmudder #trainhardorgohome #instafit #mud #schlammpackung #schlammschlacht #ilovemud #iwill #toughmuddergirls #TMInstaContest #beastmode #igfitness  #gohardorgohome


Thanks to everyone for submitting photos. Stay tuned to our our Instagram page Friday for this weekend’s theme.