Mudders – the stage is set, sun is shining, skies are blue, and trails are lookin’ mighty fine. Sitting on almost 2,500 acres of rolling hills, overgrown grassy fields and minimally groomed backcountry trails TOUGH MUDDER ATLANTA (voted best course in Tough Mudder history in 2015 by is gonna be one helluva good time.
Once again, we’ll be streaming LIVE on FACEBOOK. If you see our awesome, livestream correspondent tell her how you’ve been training, and what makes you and your team the most hardcore on the course. Here’s what we’re servin’ up and what to expect if you’ll be on the ground:
Kickoff the weekend with a Mudder Village tour and Q+A with Coach
Meet Mirna: The inspiring ultra marathon runner and Merrell Ambassador who is conquering her first Tough Mudder
The highest senior enlisted rank in the US Army Reserve, Sergeant Major Taress Pinkins will be on site to speaking in Mudder Village at 8:00, 9:00 and 10:00 am
Sunday: Give a shout out to your mom on Sunday morning while we’re streaming LIVE on Facebook from the Tough Mudder and Fruit Shoot Mini Mudder course.
Don’t forget to download your INFOPACK. It’ll answer all of your burning pre-event questions about fun stuff like where to park and when your start time is.
Sound exciting? There’s still time to sign up.
Find your place in the mud and get ready to create some damn good memories.
Bringing a Tough Spectator?
Make sure they know how to spectate like a pro, read up HERE.