The Mudder
Becky Streiff, 47, Pittsburgh, PA
Head Start Teacher for the Council of Three Rivers American Indian Center, Inc. and a mental health clinician for Pittsburgh Mercy Hospital
Mudder History
2019 Pittsburgh Classic
I Mudder because…
As a single mom, I’ve always put everyone else’s needs before mine. As my kids got older, I started to focus on my needs more. I’ve always been a bigger girl but I’ve never let it stop me from doing things I enjoy. In 2018, I did my first mud run and loved it. I enjoyed the challenges and getting dirty in the process. After hearing about Tough Mudder through family and friends, I thought I can do this—I think—and volunteered last year at the Pittsburgh Tough Mudder. I enjoyed seeing the competitors finish their races looking tired, dirty but proud of their accomplishment. I wanted to experience the same feeling, so I was determined to do it in 2019!
On the morning of a Mudder, I wake up feeling…
Excited, nervous, and scared because it’s out of my comfort zone, but you have to challenge yourself in order to find out if you can do it. I tried to get a group of people together to do the 5K with me but nobody wanted to do it, and my daughter and her boyfriend did the Mudder Classic. I signed up as a solo runner for the 5K.
My favorite part of being a Mudder is…
Proving to myself that I am capable of doing more than I ever imagined. It was one of the toughest, scariest and most exciting events I’ve done! The camaraderie that goes on during the event was absolutely amazing. We finished with no major injuries, but I did lose my glasses during the Leap of Faith. I didn’t do six obstacles out of the 25 but I either completed or attempted the rest. I am planning on doing it again next year and have goals set.
Being a Mudder has changed how I…
Want to prepare for the next one. I know my strengths and weaknesses and want to strengthen some of those weaknesses.
Why do you Mudder? Join the conversation at #WhyIMudder on Facebook and Instagram, and read more Mudder inspiration.