Complete the March to 100 for your chance to win FREE event tickets
As the world famous, Nobel-Peace-Prize-winning Cleric Desmond Tutu once wisely pointed out “there is only one way to eat an elephant: a bite at a time.”
What he meant is, that in all aspects of life, there are tasks, goals and dreams that seem overwhelming and even impossible. However, they can be accomplished by breaking the larger task down and tackling each part a little bit at a time.
Like, for instance, completing the 100 miles of the Stride 100 Milestone in a single month. While it is not an easy task, (we’re called ‘Tough Mudder’ for a reason) and quite the leap out of most people’s comfort zones, it’s certainly achievable.
If you really break it down, 100 miles is just under 3.5 miles per day for 31 days. To help you wrap your mind around it even further, the Tough Mudder Training team have put together a plan to help you take on the little pieces of the 100-mile puzzle.
*Remember, this is only a guide. Make sure you are tracking all your miles as you go about each day. The ‘Active Rest’ is just an estimate. Make every mile count*
Sign up for the Stride 100 Milestone and download the monthly planner to get started. Start working towards your new goal.
Those who complete all 100 miles before the end of March will go into the draw to win one of five free ticket packages of 2 tickets to any 2021 Tough Mudder event.
Start chewing.